Sunday 16 October 2011

The GR7 long distance footpath

The GR7 long distance footpath is long! It starts at Tarifa near Gibraltar crosses the coastal mountains of Spain before continuing across the Pyrenees. However, this is only part of the story. The GR7 is but one section of the 'European Route No.4' or E4, a 10,500-kilometre footpath that runs from the southernmost point of Spain all the way to Greece via France, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary and Rumania.

GR7 Alpujarra section nr Válor

The letters GR stand for Gran Recorrido meaning long journey. Within Spain there is a network of long distance footpaths or Senderos de Gran Recorrido. From south-west to north-east, the GR 7 runs through the Spanish regions of Andalucía, Murcia, Valencia and Catalonia before entering Andorra. From Andorra, the E4 continues into France.

Robert Bovington

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